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Monday, September 26, 2016

iOS 10.0.2 Jailbreak Installer Release Date:

With iOS 10 updated for the second time, we should now expect Tag or Pangu to release an iOS 
10.0.2 jailbreak rather than just for iOS 10. When they work on their jailbreaks, they want them to 
work on the maximum number of devices and the latest iOS version they possibly can. There is a 
good chance that iOS 10.0.2 has patched the vulnerabilities used in Todesco's iOS10.0.1 jailbreak 
anyway so they won't be usable by either team. This is part of the reason why jailbreak teams do not 
announce what they are doing until they are ready to release. Doing so does nothing more than telling Apple that there are vulnerabilities that need patching up and that is exactly what they do before the jailbreak can be released. 

For now, if you are still running on iOS 9.3.3 and using PPHelper jailbreak, hold on to it. As soon as we have news on the iOS 10.0.2 jailbreak we'll send the details straight to you but, to get them, you should like & follow us on Facebook.

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